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Ethics - "Care and Education" Professionalization of social work in the formation of ethical competencies in digital usage behavior (2019-2021).

Project Number: 2018-3-DE04-KA205-017208

Today, many people move in digital social spaces on a daily basis and as a matter of course. For children and young people, using digital media is part of their everyday lives, and they often get most of their information about the world from the Internet. But social web platforms also offer ideal conditions for the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories. Supposed facts and unsubstantiated reports are presented as plausible and simple explanations are given for a complex world. This makes them particularly attractive to young people seeking orientation.

There is an increasing demand for competent education and engagement with the opportunities and risks of technologies in schools, but also in the training of professionals in child and youth welfare - the promotion of media competencies - media ethics or media literacy is becoming more and more necessary. What "new" agreements are needed among Internet users, and what agreements are needed as orientation for children and young people? What values should rules on the Internet be based on?

In the "ETHIK" project, the experienced European consortium is developing interactive learning opportunities to support children's own critically reflective use of media in the form of a game and working materials on the area of media ethics. The result is:

  • a qualification offer in the form of an e-learning platform with detailed material on the background and possibilities for action,
  • a corresponding web-based app and
  • a card game for critically reflecting on the use of media.

All results are developed in close cooperation with professionals on site. They will be regularly informed via press social media and email contacts. If you are interested in participating, or would like to be involved in testing the materials, please contact: kinderphilosophie(at)aon.at

Project partners from the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Slovenia.


Institut für Kinder- und Jugendphilosophie

Karmeliterplatz 2/2. Stock
A- 8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0)316 90370 201
Fax: +43 (0)316 90370 202

Opening hours

Mo - Do 08:00-16:00
Fr 08:00-12:00

and according to telephone agreement

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