PHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN: Fostering Thinking in Young People
November 20-21, 2022
This workshop in Philosophy for Children (P4C) brings together P4C specialists, teachers, academics, students, and visiting scholars from around the world for three days of intensive study, dialogue and philosophical fellowship. The workshop is designed to provide school teachers with professional development and P4C specialists with a venue for reporting on their work; it will also assist international scholars to bring P4C to their countries; and to provide all involved with reflective experience of a community of philosophical inquiry.
The workshop will focus on both theoretical and practical aspects of Philosophy for Children. Theoretical issues to be explored include: the community of inquiry and the cultivation of identity and personhood; conceptual and empirical work on the link between thinking and talking; the use of Enabling Identity in community of inquiry; the challenges of moral relativism and absolutism in an increasingly globalized and cosmopolitan world; and the relationship of philosophy to other disciplines and school subjects. Practical sessions will include: reflective use of both the original P4C curriculum and the PEACE curriculum focusing on cosmopolitan engagement and intercultural dialogue, introducing new materials for teachers and students; steps in building a community of inquiry; the use of “powerful” questioning to promote “powerful” thinking and dialogue; philosophical perspectives on teaching reasoning and ethics (values education); and assessing the quality of thinking and reasoning and how to become a dialogical teacher and facilitator.
During the workshop participants will have an opportunity to plan and facilitate a “community of philosophical inquiry” in a supportive environment, mentored by experienced P4C practitioners. Prior knowledge of, or experience with P4C is not required.
Workshop Directors
Dr. Daniela G. Camhy (Graz/Austria)
Professor of Philosophy at the University of Graz, Director of the ACPC
Dr. Laurance Splitter (Melbourne/Australia)
Professor of Philosophy and Education
You can find the registration form here.
For more Information:
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for Children
Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof
8010 Graz - AUSTRIA
Phone: + 43 (0) 316 90 370 201
Fax: + 43 (0) 316 90 370 202