Philosophical Café
The "Philosophical Café", in the Karmeliterhof, is the place where anyone interested can join in, discuss, analyse, report, criticise, add to or simply listen.
Philosophical Cafés 2025 | |
Philosophical Cafés 2024 | Philosophical Cafés 2022 |
Philosophical Cafés 2023 | Philosophical Cafés 2021 |
The "Philosophical Café", in the Karmeliterhof, is the place where all interested people can join in, discuss, analyze, report, criticize, complement or simply listen. Topics are discussed that are not only of interest to experts, but to many people.
It is a place of understanding where there are no taboos. The goal is to practice such skills and abilities that lead to independent analysis and judgment and encourage critical thinking. On the one hand, interest in politics is to be awakened, and on the other hand, the prerequisites are to be created for seeing through complex interrelationships and acquiring the competence to act in order to actively participate in social processes.
The proposed topics are facilitated by a philosopher (as a inquierer in the sense of a Socratic Dialogue). The participants are often confronted with controversial theses. The aim is to create a process in which the dialogue between participants plays the central role.
Information and registration:
E-Mail: kinderphilosophie(at)
Phone: +43(0)316/90 370 201.
The "Philosophical Café" is funded by the Austrian Society for Civic Education.

Philosophical Cafés 2025:
Implementation of Deliberative Democracy
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Deliberative democracy emphasises public discourse, public consultation and the participation of citizens in public communication. Deliberative approaches and methods can enrich our democracy in many ways. Jürgen Habermas' theory of communicative action is the basis of the deliberative theory of democracy. What opportunities for participation using digital media can be used to promote deliberative democracy?
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Democracy as a Way of Life
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Based on John Dewey's philosophical approach "Democracy as a Way of Life", we start from the experiences of the participants and develop a “Community of Inquiry” in which democracy is lived: asking questions, arguing, giving reasons, recognising assumptions, uncovering contradictions, recognising connections, logical thinking are practised in the same way as listening carefully in order to show appreciation for all participants with very different opinions (plurality). The aim of the workshop is to experience "Democracy as a Way of Life".
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
The Development of Democracy in Austria - "System" Democracy in Transition?
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Only 75.6 per cent of eligible voters took part in the 2019 National Council elections in Austria. This means that voter turnout fell by a further 4.4 per cent compared to the 80 per cent in the 2017 election, meaning that the elected politicians represent fewer and fewer people in relation to the population. Austria's future democratic development lies in overcoming the challenge of the increasing rise of authoritarian attitudes towards foreigners, migrants, etc. Is it still justified under the rule of law for parties elected with only a small majority to form governments through tactical skilfulness in order to then make far-reaching decisions for a large part of the population?
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Integration Through Political Participation?
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
The opportunities for co-determination and political participation, especially for residents, who have lived and worked in Austria for decades but do not have Austrian citizenship, are very limited. Integration through political participation of migrants is an important social and political task How can all people living in a state actively use their opportunities for participation to bring about change and make their voices heard?
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Democratic Elections - Voting Rights - Why do We Vote?
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Former US President Barack Obama said "Elections alone do not make a democracy". However, free elections are the most important form of political participation and democracy is inconceivable without free elections. Elections are used to elect political representatives and thus determine the future political course. Voter turnout has a decisive influence on the legitimacy and effectiveness of a democracy. In 2024, elections were held not only in Austria and Europe, but in many countries around the world. Which democratic principles are supported by the right to vote? How can we raise awareness of the importance of the right to vote?
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Digitalisation and Social Change
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
The majority of society moves in the digital space, communicates, consumes and informs itself online. Economic upheavals, political decisions and unpredictable events keep society on the move. Opportunities for social and political participation, economic growth, education, research and the quality of work depend more and more on whether and how we succeed in utilising the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies. These processes of change are increasing people's expectations, but also their fears. What significance does access to the Internet have for social participation? In this workshop we will discuss many other socio-political and social issues.
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Are Democracies in Crisis Today?
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
During the Second World War, Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister said: "Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best form of government we have." However, there is increasing talk of a "crisis of democracy" in the media and social discourse. The results of the Democracy Monitor 2023 show that there are once again more closed autocracies in the world than liberal democracies. Their level has fallen back to that of 1986. It's about more than just falling voter turnout: social inequality, loss of trust in the rule of law, right-wing populism, etc. The rise of populist parties, the downward trend in voter turnout and the declining trust in politics are signs of a crisis in democracy. What can we do for a stable liberal democracy? What can political education contribute?
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Hannah Arendt's Demand - The Right to Have Rights
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Even though human rights should apply to all people, Hannah Arendt points out that the Declaration of Human Rights only refers to people who already live in existing legal communities (e.g. have citizenship). The right to have rights is not given by nature. What must be secured in order to be able to lead a dignified life? What does "the right to have rights" mean? This raises the question of participation and the lack of voting rights for non-citizens.
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Philosophical Cafés 2023:
Can Humour be Used to Communicate Science?
Scientific processes are usually highly complex and relevant content is often difficult to make understandable. What new ways are there to convey the knowledge gained in a more fun and relaxed way to? How can science be made more understandable? Can the results of science and research be brought closer to a broader public through comedy, wit and humour? Does humour help in the communication of science? Using examples, we show how humour can be a helpful element in improving science communication.
Democracy and the Rule of Law
ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy for/with Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, said "Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best form of government we have." Have we taken democracy and the rule of law for granted for too long? The current crisis shows that liberal society is facing serious problems. Not only because of the turn towards illiberalism, populism and nationalism in liberal democracies and the rise of authoritarian powers. The war in Ukraine shows a turning point, it is a war against democracies and freedom. How is it that rights are being violated in such a massive and undemocratic way? What does it mean for the democratic constitutional states? How do we deal with this existential crisis?
Free participation!
- Registration and information:
E-Mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 201
Democracy and technical surveillance
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Technical systems of control and surveillance are finding their way into our everyday lives. Intelligence services and law enforcement agencies use digital technologies and big data to increase security. They collect and exchange personal data and violate the fundamental rights of citizens. Comprehensive security pacts are being adopted that enable increased surveillance with facial recognition and access to mobile phones with federal Trojans. There seem to be virtually no limits to technical developments. What impact do these technical systems of control and surveillance have on democracy and democratic coexistence?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Are authoritarian tendencies undermining our democracy?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
"A democracy must never become a dictatorship of the majority" emphasises the philosopher Agnes Heller in an interview. Based on this quote, we will look at democracy as a model social order, analyse authoritarian tendencies and explore the underlying meanings of the terms democracy and liberalism. Which convictions and values are decisive when considering democracies?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Filter bubbles and echo chambers - their influence on the democratic public sphere
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
What effects can echo chambers and filter bubbles have on democratic society? The term filter bubble describes the phenomenon in which websites and platforms use algorithms to display information and opinions to each individual person that largely coincide with his/her previous views and interests. As a result, discussion groups lack other or contrary opinions. Are we prisoners of our own filter bubble? How can we "get out" of our own filter bubble and avoid the presumed negative effects of algorithms?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Does the Internet have democratic potential or is it becoming a risk for a democratic public sphere?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
The internet is changing the political public sphere, discourse and opportunities for participation. Where are the opportunities and what are the risks? How do political discourses and movements differ in the digital and analogue space? What is the greatest socio-political challenge of this new public sphere? What is the greatest opportunity of digitalisation for politics and democracy? What kind of digital and political future do we want to live in? These are just some of the questions we will address in this workshop.
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
How does democracy work?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Karl Popper, the philosopher of the open society and its enemies, dealt with the question of how an "open society" should be structured. His idea is closely linked to the democratic form of government. It is essential that citizens in a democracy are called upon to critically scrutinise those in power again and again, and that statements of law as well as state institutions should always be subject to critical scrutiny. Popper defended contemporary democracy, but warned against seeing it as the rule of the people, the rule of the majority. The control of power and the possibility of voting out the government without violence are essential. What conditions promote a functioning democracy?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Citizen Science: How can research benefit from the help of citizens?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
As part of the Citizen Science method, interested people who are not employed full-time but mostly work on a voluntary basis are involved in scientific processes. This can involve participating in the collection of data or assisting with measurements, reporting observations or conducting research. Non-professional researchers thus gain a deeper understanding of scientific work in a stimulating and new way. What does this mean for science? How important is the exchange? What educational goals are pursued with the Citizen Science method?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Democracy and the fight against disinformation
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
The spread of disinformation and fake news is an ever-growing problem. Fake news is not an invention of the internet age, it has always existed. Today, fake news is understood to be "false reports spread with manipulative intent." The authors of such deliberately false news are often not people at all, but computer programmes known as "social bots". They can create a mood in favour of or against political views and influence public opinion in a targeted manner. They spread disinformation and thus destroy people's trust in certain institutions or democracy itself. How can we see through the mechanisms of manipulation?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Methods of disinformation campaigns
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Whether reports on the effectiveness of vaccinations, climate change, the dangers of nuclear power or other scientific topics: Disinformation campaigns often use very specific methods. In this workshop we will use examples to explain the most common methods of disinformation campaigns.
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
What skills do we need for democratic coexistence?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
Rapid changes and unpredictable crises present us with major challenges. We live in a world in which the principles of neoliberalism are spreading and self-optimisation concepts are being pushed. Even the private sphere is increasingly being publicised and is subject to processes of competition and the market economy. What skills are needed to participate in and help shape a democratic society? In this workshop, we will look at the educational policy considerations of the social philosopher Oskar Negt, among others.
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Can humour be used to communicate science?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 5.00 pm
Scientific processes are usually highly complex and relevant content is often difficult to make comprehensible. What new ways are there to convey the knowledge gained in a more fun and relaxed way? How can science be made more understandable? Can the results of science and research be brought closer to a broader public through comedy, wit and humour? Does humour help in the communication of science? Using examples, we will show how humour can be a helpful element in improving science communication.
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
Why democracy needs education
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
What does democracy have to do with education? What are the prerequisites for a vibrant democracy? The philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum has investigated these questions. In her book "Not for profit. Why Democracy Needs Education", she criticises the economisation of education and the orientation of our education systems towards economic growth and profit. Education is increasingly being reduced to subjects that are directly related to technology. Humanities and arts subjects are being pushed back. Does the loss of imagination, critical faculties and empathy jeopardise democracy?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
The state and Corona
Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 4.00 p.m.
In our global world, Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across all national borders. One of the first reactions was for countries to close their borders to protect their own populations and seek regional and national solutions to contain the spread. However, global crises cannot be solved by individual states. How could joint solutions be developed and implemented? How can a global crisis be managed? How should states interact? The workshop will highlight and discuss opportunities and risks of globalization in times of crisis.
Free participation!
- Registration and request: please send an e-mail or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

The importance of human rights and Covid-19
Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 16.00 hrs.
With human rights, the United Nations has developed an instrument with which states and societies can react to threats and crises in a way that puts people at the center. In the current crisis management, which has the primary goal to protect health and save human lives, extraordinary measures are taken, also fundamental and human rights are directly or indirectly affected. It is in crisis situations that special attention must be paid to people in vulnerable situations, as the crisis exacerbates the vulnerability of those who are least protected. Why are human rights so important in the response to Covid-19?
Free participation!
- Registration and request: please email or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

One crisis after another? How will Corona change the world?
Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 16.00 hrs.
The consequences of the Corona pandemic are unclear for all areas of our society, culture, education, economy and politics. A deeper reflection from different perspectives is more important than ever. Throughout history, there have always been new crises and it seems that after one crisis, the next one immediately follows: Corona crisis, economic crisis, democracy crisis, refugee crisis, migration crisis, climate crisis. What is a "crisis" anyway? How can different types of crises be distinguished? What is the significance of crises? How can complex problems be solved? How do we interpret these situations? How will Corona change the world?
Free participation!
- Registration and request: please via e-mail or by phone +43 (0)316 90 370 200
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

Ethical considerations on the Corona crisis
Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 16.00 hrs.
The Corona Crisis requires important decisions in politics, in health care, but also from each individual. In most cases it is necessary to make trade-offs - from a medical, economic, but also from a social and ethical point of view. In this workshop we open necessary debates on relevant moral questions raised in the context of the Corona crisis: Should the protection of life be given absolute priority among fundamental rights? What does it mean when citizens are asked to share highly sensitive health data under the pretext of security? Were appropriate violence prevention measures used to protect women and children? To what extent were the measures necessary from an economic and socio-political perspective?
Free participation!
- Registration and request: please send an e-mail or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

Language in times of crisis
Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 4.00 p.m.
"Language creates reality", already wrote the philosopher of language Ludwig Wittgenstein. Individual words have a great influence on thinking and acting, therefore words have to be used in a well-considered way. Communication in the Corona crisis has produced new, often previously unknown, technical terms, e.g., social distancing, quarantine, baby elephant, herd immunity, lockdown, etc. Many terms, are used without knowing the exact definition of the concept. How does Corona influence our language? Why do negative statements and information attract greater attention? How can we be more sensitive with language? Examples from politics and the media will be analyzed and questioned in this workshop.
Free participation!
- Registration and request: please send an e-mail or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

How is our society changing as a result of the Corona pandemic?
Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 4.00 p.m.
Without a doubt, we are in a unique situation. We are all clearly feeling the effects of the Corona pandemic, as it affects all areas of our personal lives. The consequences of the Corona pandemic are unclear for all areas of our society, culture, education, economy and politics. But political and economic systems, the rule of law, and the health care system are also affected. Social inequalities are becoming more visible and further amplified. Corona primarily affects people at the margins of society, for example in refugee camps. So the Corona pandemic is not just affecting us and our health, but reinforcing poverty, nationalism, and authoritarianism. Thinking more deeply from different perspectives is more important than ever. Is the pandemic fundamentally changing society? What values and patterns of behavior are taking center stage? How do we deal with deceleration, stasis and constraints? What can we learn from the Corona crisis?
Free participation!
- Registration and request: please via e-mail or by phone +43 (0)316 90 370 200
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

Corona crisis - climate change
Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 16.00 hrs.
The climate crisis has been with us for years, again and again new goals for climate protection are set and agreements are made, but these hardly bring any changes. However, climate change not only alters our weather, but also our habitats and ecosystems. Virologists warned years ago that the consequences of man-made climate change could have a major impact on health and play a decisive role in the development of pandemics. The Corona crisis demonstrated that people are willing to make short-term, profound lifestyle changes to mitigate the pandemic, but they are reluctant to mitigate the climate crisis with small, longer-term changes in their daily lives. In this workshop, we will look at the parallels between the Corona Pandemic and climate change. What are the opportunities for the climate crisis because of Corona? Does the Corona crisis, through constraints, help us meet climate goals?
Free participation!
- Registration and request: please send an e-mail or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

Responsibility for future generations
on 02.06.2021 16:00 - ONLINE
One of the most pressing issues of intergenerational climate justice concerns the relationship of present generations to those that follow. In his book "Responsibility for Future Generations," Dieter Birnbacher addresses the problem of motivating responsible action and calls for the inclusion of nature within the horizon of what can be planned. We owe it to future generations to take action against climate change and its harmful consequences. But in what ways? How can the consequences of climate change for different generations be compared and weighed? Together we will discuss different approaches and proposed solutions.
Free participation! Registration at: or by phone 0316/ 90 370 201.

Justice and Freedom
15.06.2021 Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2. floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 16.00 hrs.
Via the two terms justice and freedom we arrive at the so-called "Capability Approach", which is at the heart of Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen's philosophy. At the core of this capability approach are two principles: First, the freedom to live a good life as the greatest moral weight. And second, that this freedom is measured by people's abilities, which they have good reasons to care about. When asked what is just, Sen responds, "Just is a world in which people have just this freedom. Goods and resources alone are not enough to create justice, the diversity of people must be taken into account! With practical examples we show new attempts at solutions.
Free admission! Registration at: or by phone 0316/ 90 370 201.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

What does climate change have to do with poverty?
29.06.2021 Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 2. floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz Start 16.00 hrs.
Worldwide, the increase of extreme events and their aftermath show immediate effects on nature and society. In many countries of the world the consequences of global warming already exist. Drought, heat waves, floods, rising sea levels and melting glaciers are leading to rural exodus, food shortages and disease. The poorest of the poor, in so-called developing countries, are particularly affected. What changes in people's living conditions will result from this? What does climate change have to do with poverty? What are the roots of the climate crisis? What can we do to save the climate?
Free admission! Registration at: or by phone 0316/ 90 370 201.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

How to deal with anti-Semitism?
on 27.08.2021 16:00 Institute for Philosophy of Children and Youth Karmeliterplatz 2, 8010 Graz.
During the workshop, strategies for action will be developed together in order to be able to react to anti-Semitism in a concrete way. The aim is to recognize the many different aspects of anti-Semitism and to be able to act self-confidently on the basis of practical examples. This workshop format is for people who recognize anti-Semitism and wonder how they can react to it appropriately. In doing so, own limits and possibilities of reactions will be considered and discussed together.
Free admission! Registration at: or by phone 0316/ 90 370 201.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

The new anti-Semitism
26.08.2021 16:00 - Vienna (the exact location will be announced).
Together we will deal with the question of the "new anti-Semitism". What is the "new" thing about it? What are the differences? What does it have to do with National Socialism? Why is anti-Semitism a global phenomenon? In the workshop we will work with current political examples and developments in different countries. There will be space to respectfully discuss the topic with each other and to reflect on different perspectives.
Free admission! Registration at: or by phone 0316/ 90 370 201.
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.