Here you will find a list of our destinations
- Teaching basic philosophical skills
- Promoting dialogue skills by means of philosophical questions and discussions
- Promoting the use of basic forms of argumentation
- Raising awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity and promoting intercultural education
- Promoting critical, creative and empathetic ("caring thinking") thinking
- Raising awareness and thematising generational and gender aspects
- Visibly confronting all forms of discrimination based on gender, ethnic origin, skin colour, religion or ideology, national or social origin, sexual orientation, age or disability
- Promoting reflective and communicative skills

- Promoting tolerance, solidarity and an understanding of democracy
- Promoting creative skills
- Promoting children and young people's cognitive and affective skills in order to meet the challenges of living together in a multicultural society
- Promoting mutual understanding and respect for human rights and democracy
- Supporting and promoting pedagogical philosophical approaches for an in-depth examination of global, cosmopolitan, ecological, digital and social issues
- Promotion of media skills
- Promotion of problem-solving skills
- Teaching digital skills - digital literacy - digital ethics
- Promoting environmental awareness and addressing climate change
- Research in the spirit of sustainability
- Strengthening independence
- Strengthening the sense of responsibility
- Strengthening resilience
- Supporting the development of personal potential
These goals are being successfully realised. There is a great deal of interest in our events. We offer numerous courses and workshops for children, young people and adults. Based on amazement and wonder, we deal with a wide variety of scientific and philosophical phenomena and current issues.
The aim is to think and reflect together in a dialogue - philosophical dialogue in a "Community of Inquiry" (research community).
Especially in stressful situations, such as the Corona crisis, it is necessary to strengthen children and young people, to encourage, motivate and support them and to offer them interesting activities. The efforts must come from us adults - the crisis offers us the opportunity to experience new values, build and deepen relationships. Shared reflection can be set in motion through philosophical conversations and develop into a shared dialogue. Philosophical questions and joint research offer the opportunity and the framework to deal with one's own thoughts, with norms, values, different ways of life and current crises and to promote togetherness.
Theoretical work in the field of basic scientific research on the philosophy of children and young people, studies on the development of thinking and personality in children and young people, childhood as a social phenomenon, reappraisal of the history of the philosophy of children and young people, overview of various approaches to the philosophy of children and young people in different countries...
- Concrete investigations and evaluation of projects and school experiments
- Scientific supervision of school experiments
- Supervision of scientific work at home and abroad
- Conferences and congresses
- Lectures
Preparation and development of working documents
- Development of materials: Children's and youth books, teaching materials
- books, articles
- Co-operation with publishers
- Translation work to adapt documents for the European cultural sphere
Education and further education
In the area of education and further education, the aim is to provide access to a continuous programme of seminars, courses and events for as many people as possible, especially children and young people.
- Seminars
- symposia
- Further training:
- Teachers
- parents
- Kindergarten teachers
- Childminders
- Social workers
- Nursery teachers
- Hospital teachers
- Training
- Further training
- Co-operation with various institutions: Clinics, universities, schools, pedagogical academies, pedagogical institutes, associations.
- Target groups: Children - adolescents - adults
Philosophical counselling centre
The way children and young people grow up has changed in many ways as a result of societal, economic and social changes. The environment of children and young people in highly civilised countries is shaped by the influences of technological development, mass media and consumer goods, among other things.
It is well known that children and young people ask more questions than ten wise men can answer. Behind these questions there is often an inkling of a deeper philosophical problem. If children and young people are left alone with these questions, an irretrievable opportunity to support them in their spiritual and mental development is wasted.
As a philosophical counselling centre, we are
- parents
- children
- young people
- teachers
- educators
- kindergarten teachers
and all educational institutions.
Information and documentation centre
- Documentation centre for philosophy of children and youth (term papers, dissertations, centres)
- library
- Video library
Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendphilosophie
+43 (0)316 90370 201
Karmeliterplatz 2/2. Stock
A- 8010 Graz
Mo - Do 08:00-16:00
Fr 08:00-12:00
Oder nach telefonischer Vereinbarung