Philosophising with children and youth
Philolab - Philosophizing with children and youth
"Philolab - Philosophizing with Children and Teenagers" is based on the culture of questioning, wonder, and contemplating the world, providing youth with an attractive entry point into science and research. At its core are shared dialogue, exploration, independent inquiry, reflection, discussion, and engaging activities.
Event formats: Workshops and webinars for children and teenagers with the aim of discussing philosophical and scientific issues. Different entry points are offered depending on the age level. Locations: Various out-of-school learning locations in Graz and the surrounding area, Kapfenberg, Markt Hartmannsdorf, Lieboch, Hartberg and Leoben. All classroom events (workshops) can also be conducted online as webinars. Target group: Children and youth Period: May 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024
Contact: Daniela G. Camhy
E-mail: kinderphilosophie(at)
Phone: +43 316 90370 201
Website Information:

Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendphilosophie
+43 (0)316 90370 201
Karmeliterplatz 2/2. Stock
A- 8010 Graz
Mo - Do 08:00-16:00
Fr 08:00-12:00
Oder nach telefonischer Vereinbarung