The team at the Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendphilosophie has endeavoured to network and collaborate with other institutions internationally since its beginnings. Since then, many projects have been realised with international partners.
If you are interested in realising a project with us, please do not hesitate to contact us: or

The aim of these projects is to work on sustainability-related and current topics and develop materials for them. Pupils were also involved using the citizen science method. Platforms were set up on which resources of various types are collected and offered. These resources (building blocks, teaching methods, scripts and teaching modules) are intended to support teachers in terms of content and through the use of innovative forms of teaching and to promote systemic and holistic thinking.
"Philolab - Philosophising with children and young people" is based on the culture of questioning, wondering and thinking about the world and provides young people with an attractive introduction to science and research.
Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendphilosophie
+43 (0)316 90370 201
Karmeliterplatz 2/2. Stock
A- 8010 Graz
Mo - Do 08:00-16:00
Fr 08:00-12:00
Oder nach telefonischer Vereinbarung