Workshops for children and young people
News or fake news? In search of the truth!"
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
What is fake news? How can you recognise fake news? What types are there? What reasons do people have for spreading lies or disinformation? Why can fake news be dangerous? We want to get to the bottom of these and many other questions relating to the topic of "fake news". Together, we will think, reflect and explore ways of recognising fake news using the "Know Fake" game developed for this purpose. The spread of lies, disinformation and manipulated images has increased dramatically in recent years, so it is important to expose disinformation, recognise mechanisms of manipulation and defend democracy on the internet.
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail tooffice(at)
or by telephone on +43 (0)316 90 370 200

The world of gender roles: Children's books under the magnifying glass!
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
Books offer interesting insights into the representation of gender roles. Together we will analyse how characters are portrayed in stories and pictures. Are certain characteristics or roles often assigned to one gender? What happens when these roles are swapped? Discussions and creative activities are used to reflect on how ideas about gender arise in stories and what alternatives there might be. Which characteristics are really typical - or do they perhaps play no role at all? Finally, a story and pictures will be created together, focussing on diversity and individual strengths.
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail tooffice(at)
or by telephone on +43 (0)316 90 370 200

Waste time travel: How long has our waste been in the world?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
Rubbish can last a long time! A plastic bag takes up to 500 years to decompose and a glass bottle can even last up to 1 million years. But what makes rubbish a problem? Is it the material itself - or how society deals with it? What consequences will the waste produced today have for the world of tomorrow? With these questions in mind, we can consider what options there are for producing less waste, reusing things and recycling materials sensibly. How could creative solutions be developed to conserve resources? Why is it important to protect animals, plants and the environment - and what could a future without waste look like?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail tooffice(at)
or by telephone on +43 (0)316 90 370 200

Thinking without borders
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
What do boundaries mean? Why do borders actually exist? What makes a country a country, and why are some borders invisible while others are difficult to cross? Together we will explore how borders have changed over the course of time. But what do borders actually mean and do they always make sense? Interactive games and creative activities are used to investigate why not everyone can travel everywhere. What if there were no borders at all? Together, we consider what possibilities there are for overcoming borders - be they geographical, linguistic or cultural - and create a "borderless friendship passport" that encourages people to think about community, diversity and cohesion. Designing your own country with your own rules shows what contributes to open co-operation.
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail tooffice(at)
or by telephone on +43 (0)316 90 370 200

My place in the big picture: Understanding the world together!
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
Together we want to understand how everything in our society is interconnected and how each of us is part of a greater whole. If you imagine that our life together is like a giant jigsaw puzzle, every piece is important and only together do we get a complete picture! Each piece of the puzzle brings unique colours and shapes - ideas, uniqueness and creativity! But what does it actually mean to be a part of the whole? Can a jigsaw puzzle also be beautiful when incomplete? What happens if a piece is missing? By creating a community mosaic, in which each piece contributes a part, it is possible to recognise how individual talents and ideas together create a wonderful overall picture. This opens up topical questions such as: What is my contribution to society? How can we create something together that is bigger than ourselves? How much responsibility does each individual bear for the whole? By philosophising and creating together, we not only create a visible work of art, but also a deeper understanding of how we are all connected.
Free participation!
- Registration and Information:
E-mail: office(at)
Phone: +43 (0)316 90 370 200

Brilliant minds: Your ideas for a better world!
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
We immerse ourselves in the world of inventors and discover that great ideas know no bounds. In addition to classic inventions such as the light bulb, we will look at inspiring contributions such as Marie Van Brittan Brown's security camera. We ask ourselves questions such as: What is the difference between discovery and invention? What makes an invention significant? How do ideas come about and how can they change the world? In creative projects and thought experiments, we will develop our own unconventional solutions - be it through sketches, prototypes or digital tools - and ask ourselves: How can we create a better world?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail tooffice(at)
or by telephone on +43 (0)316 90 370 200

What do I buy? What do I need? Do I really need it?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
Every day we buy and consume all kinds of things. But what exactly does that mean - consumption? Shopping, i.e. consuming, plays a major role in our society today. Consumption has become a leisure activity for many children, young people and adults. That's why we talk about living in a "consumer society". We often buy more than we need. Do you recognise this? Why can our purchasing behaviour harm the environment? What can we do to make our lives more sustainable and protect our planet?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200

Who am I? Am I someone?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
Are my body and I one and the same? What is it that I call "I"? What makes a person unique? Can you imagine what it is like to be someone else? Who is the me? Is there a difference between the ego and the self? Many philosophers have dealt with these questions and their answers have been varied. Pixie also deals with these questions in the book "The Mysterious Being". How would you answer this question if you were asked: Who are you?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200

Thinking and thoughts - Why is that?
Society for Philosophy of Children and Youth
Karmeliterplatz 2, 2nd floor, meeting room G2, 8010 Graz
Start 3.00 pm
Our brain is a fascinating organ. Hidden in our head, it controls our bodily functions and our movements and enables us to think and feel. Is it possible to have more than one thought at a time? Can you think without having thoughts? What is thinking? How does our brain work and how does the human brain differ from the brain of animals? Can animals think? How do we think?
Free participation!
- Registration and enquiry:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200

Why can't ChatGPT and algorithms do the thinking for us?
With the exciting chatbot ChatGPT, we are experiencing worldwide that we can get answers to many questions. However, there is no guarantee that ChatGPT's answers will always be factual. The application may be inaccurate, misleading or incorrect. What do we need to look out for? How can we use artificial intelligence sensibly? What needs to be considered for safe use? How can we check the credibility of the information?
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 03.07.24
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

What does "just" actually mean? Philosophising about justice
Sometimes you hear "justice has many faces". Does this mean that everyone understands justice differently? Does justice even exist? What is meant by the word? What does "just" even mean? Is there a difference between "just" and "fair"? The Greek philosopher Aristotle, for example, was concerned with distributive justice. Whenever there is something to share, the question arises: How do we share so that it is fair? Should everyone receive the same? What determines whether sharing is fair? Using examples from our own experience, we will try to get to the bottom of these questions together.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 12.06.24
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an e-mail to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

The idea of democracy - feeling, experiencing and learning about democracy
What does democracy mean and how does it work? Democracy literally means "rule of the people" and comes from the Greek. In a democracy, all people basically have the same rights and duties. Everyone is allowed to express their opinion, inform themselves and assemble. In a democratic state, there are elections and people elect their representatives, who then represent them. From what age can you have a say? Are all countries democracies? What does democracy have to do with rights? We can discuss all of this and then go on a "Democrtac Walk" together in search of clues.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 14.05.2024
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

What is fake news?
Have you ever heard the term "fake news"? But what exactly does it mean - and how can you recognise fake news? Fake news or HOAX are reports, articles, postings or videos with false information that are usually deliberately circulated on the internet. The aim is to trick, frighten or unsettle as many people as possible or to create a mood against a certain cause or population group. Never before has fake news been able to reach so many people so quickly as in today's social networks. We will explore the questions: Why does fake news exist? Where does the news come from? How can I check them?
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 16.04.2024
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Do animals have rights that we should respect?
Do animals have any rights at all? Do animals have the right to live in freedom? Over the course of time, the relationship between humans and animals has changed. Humans have increasingly moved away from the view that animals and nature are only meant to be used and have no rights. We humans eat meat, wear leather, go to the circus, keep birds in cages as pets or go fishing. The philosopher Peter Singer has been dealing with the issue of animal rights for years. His aim is to stand up for the welfare of animals. He does not eat meat and does not eat animal products. Is it justifiable to eat animals? Do animals have any rights at all? Do we already know enough about whether and how animals feel pain and suffering? Together we will look at questions about animal rights from different angles.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 26 March 2024
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Cyberbullying - take a look!
On the one hand, the internet is an ideal medium for communication, information, networking, games, fun and entertainment; on the other hand, it can become a crime scene for cyberbullying, shitstorms and violence. Cyberbullying is already an everyday issue for many of us, but it is often trivialised as "fun". With the new technical possibilities, new forms of cyberbullying are also developing. (Smartphones, apps etc.). But what is cyberbullying? What is possible via WhatsApp, etc.? Why can such networks be dangerous? What do I have to watch out for? Why is bullying happening? What is particularly problematic is that what has been published online can often no longer be deleted. What can we do to prevent cyberbullying and help those affected?
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 27 February 2024
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

I see something you don't see - perception shapes the world.
Our human perception helps us to find our way in the world in everyday life. We perceive things with our senses and assume that they are as we see or hear them. But everyone may see them very differently. How do I see the world? Is what we see just our imagination? Can we always rely on our senses? Why do we perceive many things very differently than they actually are? Does this drawing show an old or a young woman? Everyone sees the same picture, but what happens in the mind is different for everyone. There are a multitude of phenomena that affect all of our senses, challenge them, stimulate them to achieve something special or mislead them. The exciting thing is that it is precisely the failures of our perceptual apparatus that lead us to astonishing insights and show us how our brain and senses work. Do you want to investigate? In this workshop, we will use our eyes, ears, hands, nose and mouth to track down everyday phenomena and experiment together. We will also ask ourselves how we actually perceive things.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 17 January 2024
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Why did the dinosaurs actually become extinct? - What is evolution?
Is there a common ancestor of all humans and all animals? Are we related to all animals via a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother or grandfather, so to speak? Is it true that apes and humans are related to each other? And what does all this have to do with genes? Over a long period of time, the characteristics of living beings change, with small changes taking place from generation to generation. We humans, for example, have developed an upright gait over millions of years. Evolution is never complete. It is still taking place today, but what does that mean for us? These and many other questions will be addressed in this workshop.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 22 November 2023
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

"No Hate Speech!"
The "No Hate Speech Movement" is a Europe-wide campaign - an initiative of the Council of Europe against hate speech online. Hate speech has been a recurring topic in public debates for years and is a very topical problem. These derogatory statements are linguistic attacks against certain people or groups. They violate the dignity and rights of those affected and aim to belittle and denigrate people. Populist and, above all, right-wing extremist actors use social media to spread inhumane attitudes in society. Hate speech creates negative images of "others" that are associated with discrimination, oppression and the marginalisation of individuals and groups. In this workshop, we will jointly examine the causes and consequences of hate speech and identify ways to take action against these linguistic attacks in order to promote well-being in society (Agenda 2030: Goal 3). The Council of Europe relies on human rights in the fight against hate speech - because everyone has the right not to be discriminated against. The European Convention on Human Rights with its additional protocols and the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, the so-called Budapest Convention of 2001, are central to this.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 08.11.2023
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

What exactly is a cyborg? Can you hear colour tones?
From comics, computer games, films and books, we may be familiar with people who have special abilities and powers and become so-called "superhumans" - people who have been changed by technology are often shown or described. Cyborgs are often described as people whose bodies have been augmented by artificial, mechanical components. Implants, prostheses and chips help people with a disability or illness. Does this create a new kind of human being? Is the biological form of life being changed? Researchers are working on methods and technologies that allow people to lead an existence worth living. But it is not always just about curing physical impairments and illnesses. Even healthy people are increasingly having chips or similar devices implanted in order to gain new abilities.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 10 October 2023
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Does democracy mean that the majority is always right?
"The minority has the duty to protest," said Umberto Eco (author of The Name of the Rose) during a protest against the Berlusconi government in 2008. The Austrian philosopher Karl Popper sees democracy as an instrument for controlling power: "It alone makes it possible to apply the method of trial and error to our political actions." Does democracy mean that the majority has the right to rule? Is the majority always right? Popper's ideas of an open society are closely linked to the democratic form of government. What does Popper mean by "open society"? What do the majority society and minorities have to do with it? Is the protection of minorities a task or a mandate for the majority society? Do minorities play an important role in the preservation of democracy? What role do criticism and protest play in an "open society"? How is an open society defined in the 21st century?
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 19 September 2023 1
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Imagine the world in 2050: How will we live in the future?
We have been thinking about our future since time immemorial: how we will shape it, how we will live, what will change... Imagine we are travelling back in time. The year is 2050, the climate has changed and the earth has become warmer. How will we eat? Will there be designer food that has a health-promoting effect? How many people will live on earth? What about our life expectancy, what new findings will there be in medicine? Will our entire lives be digitalised and will algorithms determine our entire lives? Will we live more environmentally conscious lives? What role will robotics and gene therapy play in the future? Will it be possible to live on another planet? In this workshop, we will use our imagination to visualise life in the future. Can we even research the future and what do we need it for? What does futurology want to find out?
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 05.09.2023
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Nature - dangers and opportunities
What is nature? Who does it belong to? What can people do with nature? Why is it important to protect nature? Does nature need humans? To what extent is what we call nature still nature? Should humans intervene in nature at all? How far should humans intervene in nature and how far are we allowed to go? How do we want to live in the future? How can we shape the future? In this workshop, nature itself becomes a topic of discussion. The protection of nature is an important factor for human life. This also raises the question of how we want to live in the future.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 01.08.2023
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

What happens during a blackout? - The world of energy
Energy is needed everywhere, whether for street lighting in the evening, for the computer or for the mobile phone. But what is energy? Where does electricity come from? What does electricity have to do with climate change? What do we mean by renewable energy? In this workshop, we approach these questions in a playful way with puzzles and small experiments and explore the world of energy together. We will explore the basics of energy, learn about the importance of alternative energy production and consider what happens in the event of a blackout.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 2nd floor
When: 18 July 2023
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

The whole world on our plate - What and how do we eat? What is globalisation?
It is part of our everyday lives to have food from different parts of the world on our plates. Our food culture is changing more and more, it is becoming globalised. By "food culture" we mean the entire cultural environment of nutrition, i.e. everything that has to do with the way we eat: What we eat, how we eat, where we eat. Through globalisation, we get to know new foods, different types of preparation and different eating rules. Foods from all over the world are available to us, so we appreciate spaghetti and pizza from Italy, curries from India, hazelnuts from Turkey, kiwis from New Zealand, vanilla from Madagascar and chocolate from Brazil. We will think together: What do we eat? Why are more and more people eating ready meals and fast food? What traditional meals do you know? What do meals and eating have to do with family and social relationships and lifestyle? And what does globalisation mean? In this workshop we will also get to know, prepare and taste some delicacies.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Replika - my chatbot friend, and what about Alexa and Siri? - What exactly is artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in our lives; we encounter it in films, on the internet and in the news. But what does the term AI actually mean? Artificial intelligence (AI) can radically change the way we live, both in terms of how we interact with each other and how we use our planet's natural resources. "AI" and algorithms now affect almost every area of life - with different consequences. Some people are happy about this development, while others are worried because they see artificial intelligence as a potential threat. We want to explore, investigate and fathom together where artificial intelligence already occurs in everyday life and how it works, what it can already do and what will still be possible.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Tuesday, 13 June 2023, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Do you always have to tell the truth? - Why do people lie?
Why do we cheat when playing "Mensch ärgere dich nicht"? Why are we afraid to say that we don't like going to family parties because they are boring? Are there sometimes even good reasons to tell a lie, e.g. to protect a friend or to avoid disappointing them? Some people say that small lies don't hurt. Others say that lies destroy trust and make it impossible to live together. Honesty is considered a virtue. Nevertheless, hardly anyone believes that it would be good if everyone always told the truth. Are we allowed to lie? At least a little? Religions, philosophy, psychology and education are not so clear in their statements about the duty to tell the truth. Are we allowed to lie to protect our lives in an emergency? Or the lives of others? Is it legitimate or even necessary to conceal the state of a terminally ill person so as not to deprive them of hope?
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Wednesday, 27 May 2023, from 15:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

What is science? Who makes the knowledge?
When does science begin? When did we start talking about scientists? How do you gain knowledge and insight? There are millions of researchers around the world today, but how does one come to work in research? To get to the bottom of these questions, we will travel through several centuries and get to know several scientists. For example, we will also look at the questions that Isaac Newton asked himself: How is it that an apple falls from a tree down to the earth and not up? This is how he discovered the force of gravity.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Tuesday, 18 April 2023, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Language - the reflection of society
"Just language alone does not create a just world. But by using it, we show that we want a just world in the first place," emphasises linguist Anatol Stefanowitsch. What does "using gender-equitable language" mean? What does it have to do with equality? Some people resist and label the use of gender-equitable language as "gender madness". What do scientific studies say? Does the chosen form of language influence the ideas we have about the person being described? Has the use of only the masculine form of language led to less mental inclusion of women and other genders? This workshop invites you to reflect together on language as a mirror of society.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Thursday, 16 February 2023, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Introduction to philosophising with children and young people (basic module)
In this first phase, the most important elements of what it means to philosophise with children and young people and what the significance of this undertaking is, especially for today's world, will be presented. Adults who engage in philosophising with children do not need to be expert philosophers. Philosophising is not about reproducing factual knowledge, but about an activity. The prerequisite is an initial interest in serious reflection and the ability to give children room to develop their thinking.
This module will introduce the most important elements of what it means to philosophise with children and what the significance of this undertaking is, especially in today's world. Above all, practical exercises for philosophising will be offered.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Saturday, 06 May 2023 , 09:00 - 18:00
Costs: € 225,-
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please send an email to office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.
Please transfer the money to:
Austrian Society for Philosophy with Children
IBAN: AT98 2081 5027 0080 2255
Freedom - free at last - the right to freedom
People have more freedom than plants and animals. They can move around freely, decide how to spend their time, they can choose their friends. But is that the case everywhere? Is freedom something we all have? How do people live without freedom? Does freedom give us the right to always do what we want? What is freedom anyway? Freedom is an inviolable and inalienable right that all people possess. It is the power to act according to one's will and at the same time to respect the law and the rights of others. But why are there laws and rules that restrict our freedom? Children have the same rights and freedoms as adults, but their freedoms are less comprehensive. Why is that the case? We will address these and many other questions together in this workshop and examine practical examples.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Wednesday, 14 December 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

All children have rights
Do children really have rights? What does it mean to have a right? Do you know the history of children's rights and Janusz Korczak, the "father of children's rights"? Children's rights ensure that the situation for children worldwide improves: they not only ensure survival, but also give children themselves a voice to stand up for their own concerns. Many children and young people still do not know about their own rights. But only if young people know their rights can they stand up for them and make a difference. How can children have a say? What does the right to play mean? What has improved for millions of children worldwide and why is there still a lot of catching up to do? What does everyday life look like? We will learn about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and explore children's rights together in interactive games.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Wednesday, 09 November 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Be a food waste warrior! - What can I do about food waste and how can I preserve food?
Have you ever wondered how food was preserved in the past? Many hundreds of years ago, people already knew methods to protect their food from spoiling quickly and to preserve it for times of need. These very old and sustainable methods of preserving food are still used today, although some of them have been replaced by newer methods. Which old methods are there and which were added in the early past? Let's take a closer look. What can you do with leftover fruit and vegetables? What can I do about food waste? And why does food spoil so quickly? We will get to the bottom of these and other questions and try out preservation methods together.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Tuesday, 25 October 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Adventures, discoveries and inventions! - What does an inventor do?
At the beginning of the modern era, not only were unknown lands discovered, but many inventions were also made. In order to find the right way on their adventurous explorations, the adventurers had an object with them to help them orientate themselves on the high seas, for example - the compass. But how does a compass actually work? For many thousands of years, people have been writing down things that are important to them. Over time, new techniques have also been developed. Johannes Gutenberg was the mysterious inventor of letterpress printing. This made it possible for people to quickly publish entire books and newspapers. How did Gutenberg go about this process? What is actually a discovery and what is an invention? We go on a treasure hunt, learn about the historical background, make our own compass and learn about the book printing process.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Tuesday, 05 July 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

The Socratic dialogue
Socratic dialogue is a fascinating method of interpersonal communication, creative and orderly thinking and speaking. Due to its systematic methodology, it contains many elements and aspects that can be used well in philosophising with children and young people, especially in conducting conversations and in monitoring the philosophical dimension.
In this module, the importance of the Socratic method for the teaching and learning process is presented and the special methodological function of the Socratic dialogue for gaining knowledge is highlighted, this also applies to ethics and philosophy lessons.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Thursday, 16 June 2022 , 09:00 - 18:00
Costs: € 225,-
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries: please email
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.
Please transfer to:
Austrian Society for Children's Philosophy
IBAN: AT98 2081 5027 0080 2255
Can we learn to reason properly? How can we recognise errors of reasoning and fallacies?
Who isn't frustrated by chaotic disputes where arguments are talked away, not listened to and words are twisted around in people's mouths? How can we better solve problems, reconcile differences of opinion and encourage joint action, as well as discuss topics objectively from different perspectives? Can we learn to argue and discuss? Fallacies are errors in reasoning that can arise when arguing. We all make such errors in reasoning and also fall for flawed arguments, as they often seem very convincing. Here we want to examine how to recognise such fallacies. We will use current examples from various media. Our aim will be to track down errors in reasoning, formulate arguments and examine trains of thought.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Wednesday, 15 June 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

I buy what I want! - What does sustainability mean?
"Sustainability" is a complicated word. The word sustainability is often used, but only a few people know what it really means. The word sustainability comes up again and again in connection with our consumer behaviour. But what does it actually mean? Where does the term "sustainability" come from and what does it mean? How can we make "sustainable" purchases? How do we make decisions? What does sustainability mean for our society? What does it mean to live sustainably? In this workshop, we will think about consumption, sustainability and what it means to decide freely. In times of energy and resource abundance, we have forgotten to recognise and understand simple connections that are relevant to sustainable thinking and action. Based on our experiences, we will explore questions about sustainability.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Saturday, 11 June 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Can we see things that don't exist? How we experience the world with our senses
With our eyes, we see the world in a wide variety of colours and shapes. We can constantly discover new things and use our senses to orientate ourselves in the world. How we perceive things depends on our brain. Sometimes it happens that I see something that you don't see. What you see in the world is not always what you think it is. Our senses can also deceive us. In optical illusions, the same objects often appear to be different sizes, straight lines look crooked or we see things that are not there at all. How is this possible? How do we perceive? Does our perception shape the world? In this workshop, we ask ourselves how we actually perceive. We want to start from our own ideas and experiences and explore how perception can change. Using images, photos and videos, we will get to the bottom of the secrets of perceptual illusions.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Friday, 20 May 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Introduction to philosophising with children and young people (basic module)
In this first phase, the most important elements of what it means to philosophise with children and young people and what the significance of this undertaking is, especially for today's world, will be presented. Adults who engage in philosophising with children do not need to be expert philosophers. Philosophising is not about reproducing factual knowledge, but about an activity. The prerequisite is an original interest in serious reflection and the ability to give children's thinking space to develop.
This module aims to introduce the most important elements of what it means to philosophise with children and what the significance of this undertaking is, especially in today's world. Above all, practical exercises for philosophising will be offered.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Friday, 13 May 2022 , 09:00 - 18:00
Costs: € 225,-
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries: please email
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.
Please transfer to:
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderphilosophie
IBAN: AT98 2081 5027 0080 2255

Why is cultural diversity important?
The meaning of the word "culture" is very diverse and has changed and developed over time. We can recognise cultural diversity in everyday life through the different people with different needs, languages, ideas, habits, manners and many individual differences, e.g. gender, skin colour, physical abilities, ethnicity and social background. We want to identify differences and similarities that are part of everyday life. Differences can manifest themselves in eating habits, festivals and celebrations, in music, literature, theatre, film and various art forms. The diversity of cultures shapes a city, a country through new ways of thinking and knowledge. We can learn a lot from each other by engaging with other cultures. In this workshop, we want to go on an exploration tour and investigate the question of why cultural diversity is important and why there is even a "World Day for Cultural Diversity".
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Tuesday, 10 May 2022, from 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries:
please email office(at)
or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Do animals have rights that we should respect?
Do animals have any rights at all? Do animals have rights to live in freedom? Over the course of time, the relationship between humans and animals has changed and people have increasingly moved away from the view that animals and nature are only meant to be used and have no rights. We humans eat meat, wear leather, go to the circus, keep birds in cages as pets or go fishing. The philosopher Peter Singer has been dealing with the issue of animal rights for years. His aim is to stand up for the welfare of animals. He does not eat meat and does not eat animal products. Is it justifiable to eat animals? Do animals have any rights at all? Do we already know enough about whether and how animals feel pain and suffering? Together we will look at questions about animal rights from different perspectives.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Friday, 15 April 2022, from 14:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries: please email or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Organic fair trade cocoa - fair trade? How does sustainable consumption work?
Children and young people can not only influence the purchasing behaviour of their parents, they also form a large consumer group themselves. They use their own pocket money to fulfil their wishes. Why does it matter what we buy? Can we buy everything we want? How do we know how to make decisions? More and more people want to consume consciously and help reduce the impact on nature and the environment, as well as improve working conditions for people in poorer countries. The word "sustainability" comes up again and again in connection with our consumer behaviour. What does sustainability actually mean? How can we shop sustainably? How do we choose between different products? This workshop will not only focus on sustainable shopping, but we will also reflect on consumption, sustainability and discuss what it means to decide freely.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Thursday, 14 April 2022, from 14:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries: please email or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

What is beautiful? And who determines that?
Art historians, cosmetic surgeons, neuroscientists, advertising experts - ideals of beauty are presented to us on television, on the internet and in the newspapers. We are often shown what we should consider to be "beautiful". Time and again, people have tried to adapt themselves, their lifestyle, art and culture to certain ideals that are considered beautiful. Is beauty nature or art? Adaptation or deviation? But beauty characteristics in the respective societies and cultures change over time. Fashion trends such as hairstyles, beards and body jewellery are also constantly changing. But what is beautiful? Philosophers have been asking themselves this question since ancient times and we also want to look at it in this workshop. We will look at various images from the fields of art, media and different cultures: What is beauty? Who decides what is beautiful? Where do ideals of beauty come from? Are there things that all people perceive as "beautiful"? In this workshop, we will start from our own experiences, try to find out how the concept of beauty develops differently and try to find something beautiful ourselves, design it or think of something.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/ Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - 1st floor, multifunctional room
When: Wednesday, 13 April 2022, from 14:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries: please email or call +43 (0) 316/ 90 370 200.

Introduction to philosophising with children and young people
Adults who engage in philosophising with children do not need to be specialist philosophers. Philosophising is not about reproducing factual knowledge, but about an activity. The prerequisite is an original interest in serious reflection and the ability to give children space to develop their thinking.
This seminar will introduce the most important elements of what it means to philosophise with children and what the significance of this undertaking is, especially in today's world. Above all, practical exercises for philosophising will be offered.
When: 25 and 26 February 2022, 09:00-16:00
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - multifunctional room, 1st floor
Training costs: € 320,--
Registration required!
- Registration and enquiries: please send an e-mail or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
- Please transfer the training costs to:
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderphilosophie
IBAN: AT98 2081 5027 0080 2255
The event takes place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.
Workshop for children and young people: Why? Why? Why? - Curiosity is the beginning of all science
We humans are curious by nature. When something is unclear, we ask the question "Why?" This questioning, investigating, researching and discovering is fundamental to science. Science and its discoveries play a central role in our lives. But what do scientists actually do? What happens at the university? How do you work as a scientist? We will consider what constitutes a scientific discovery, what the difference is between an invention and a discovery and explore the different specialisms that exist. Together we will look at the diverse world of science and discuss questions to approach some of the methods used by researchers. Finally, we can visit the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz together.
When: 18 February 2022, 4 pm
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - multifunctional room, 1st floor
Registration required!
- Registration and enquiries: please send an email or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
The event takes place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

Workshop for children and young people: I can see something you can't! - Perception shapes the world
Our human perception helps us to find our way in the world in everyday life. We perceive things with our senses and assume that they are as we see or hear them. But everyone may see them very differently. How do I see the world? Is what we see just our imagination? Can we always rely on our senses? Why do we perceive many things very differently than they actually are? Does this drawing show an old or a young woman? Everyone sees the same picture, but what happens in the mind is different for everyone. There are a multitude of phenomena that affect all of our senses, challenge them, stimulate them to achieve something special or mislead them. The exciting thing is that it is precisely the errors of our perceptual apparatus that lead us to astonishing insights and show us how our brain and senses work.
Want to investigate? In this workshop, we use our eyes, ears, hands, nose and mouth to track down everyday phenomena and have the opportunity to experiment together. We will also ask ourselves how we actually perceive.
When: 15 February 2022, 4 p.m.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2/Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz - multifunctional room, 1st floor
Registration required!
- Registration and enquiries: please send an email or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
The event takes place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

Online workshop for "Safer Internet Day": How can we live well together on the Internet?
Are you interested in mobile phones, gaming, Instagram, WhatsApp and everything else digital? How can you use the internet safely? How do we get the latest information and tips? How do we protect our privacy? Why do we need the 10 golden rules of digital ethics? Chain letters, cyberbullying, fake news - what can I do about it? How can I recognise fake news? How do we behave on the internet? How can we see through mechanisms of manipulation? What can we do against hate speech? In this workshop, we will share experiences, discuss, test our own knowledge and consider together how we can act in certain situations and how we can protect human rights on the internet.
When: 08 February 2022, 16:00 - ONLINE
Registration required!
- Registration and enquiries: please send an email or call +43 (0)316 90 370 200
The event will take place according to the current COVID-19 guidelines! Prerequisite for participation is proof of recovery, vaccination or testing.

Webinar: Introduction to philosophising with children and young people
Invited are kindergarten teachers, educators, teachers, students and all people who enjoy thinking.
We are always amazed at the depth of children's interest in the connections in the world. Their questions are often our questions too. "How can you be sure that everything is not a dream? Why do people think? Are thoughts as real as the things in a room?"
Adults who engage in philosophising with children do not need to be expert philosophers. Philosophising is not about reproducing factual knowledge but about an activity. The prerequisite is an original interest in serious reflection and the ability to give children room to develop their thinking.
This seminar will introduce the most important elements of what it means to philosophise with children and what the significance of this undertaking is, especially in today's world. Above all, practical exercises will be offered for philosophising.
When: 30 April 2021, 15:00 - ONLINE
Duration: approx. 90 minutes
Cost: 120€ - the fee must be paid before the start of the event.
Registration required!
- Registrations and enquiries: please send an e-mail or call +43/(0)316 90 370 200 or fax. +43 (0) 316 90 370 202
Webinar: Digital ethics: "How can we act in virtual spaces without losing sight of values and standards?"
The everyday lives of children and young people today take place both online and offline. It is therefore important to develop an awareness of values that enables peaceful and respectful coexistence in both the analogue and digital worlds. Adolescents obtain much of their information about the world from the internet. Social and societal processes in the real and virtual worlds interpenetrate each other, whereby the values and norms of the real world are often not applied or cannot be applied to virtual social systems.
Digital ethics deals with the question of responsibility for virtual behaviour and reflects on the conditions for a good, successful life. However, digital ethics does not take a prescriptive approach, i.e. it does not prescribe which decision is the right one. It assumes that each individual makes competent and independent decisions and takes responsibility for them. It is therefore the task of all of us to shape the digital world in a way that is humane. Users must be made aware that they are also responsible for their own actions in the digital world. One aim of the EU project "ETHICS: "Caring and Education" Professionalising social work in the education of ethical competences in digital user behaviour.(2019-2021)", which is presented in this webinar, is to introduce people to a communication culture that is based on empathy and respect instead.
In the webinar, we will talk about values in the digital world and present media education methods that encourage students to question their own attitudes and develop appropriate rules for their online communication.
The content and methods of the webinar are primarily aimed at teachers from year 6 onwards, but also offer suggestions for interested teachers and educational specialists in lower grades.
When: 27 April 2021, 16.00 - ONLINE
Duration: approx. 90min.
Cost: 120€ - the fee must be paid before the start of the event.
Registration required!
- Registrations and enquiries: please send an e-mail or call +43/(0)316 90 370 200 or fax. +43 (0) 316 90 370 202
Philosophising about nature and the environment
What can philosophising contribute to environmental education?
In this seminar, new teaching materials on the subject of the environment and sustainability will be presented and can serve as a basis for reflection-orientated, interdisciplinary environmental education.
Thinking together about people and nature is at the centre of this seminar.
Intercultural and interdisciplinary foundations for environmental education are offered, which have emerged from the idea of conducting a critical, well-founded, creative and meaningful dialogue together. Various methods and creative techniques are used: writing meditation, brainstorming, exercises, etc. The philosophical didactic discussion, comparable to the "Socratic dialogue", is practised and a "community of inquiry" in the sense of Matthew Lipman is established.
Where: Karmeliterplatz 2, Karmeliterhof, 8010 Graz
When: 08 September 2021
Registration required!
- Registrations and enquiries: please send an e-mail or call +43/(0)316 90 370 200 or fax. +43 (0) 316 90 370 202

Parents' discussion group
This discussion group is intended to give parents the opportunity to exchange experiences. Wishes, questions and problems can be discussed together. New topics are always philosophically developed based on the needs of the participants.
Once a month, Mondays, 17:00
Registration required!
Registrations and enquiries: please send an e-mail or call +43/(0)316 90 370 200 or fax. +43 (0) 316 90 370 202
Thinking and philosophising with children
The topics are set by the children: Their questions are recorded and answers and solutions are sought together. Philosophical stories are presented and serve as triggers for a philosophical discussion.
- Target group: children from 6 to 10 years
- Registrations and enquiries: please send an e-mail or call +43/(0)316 90 370 200 or fax. +43 (0) 316 90 370 202
Youth culture
Philosophising with young people
On request, we offer a philosophical discussion group for young people.
- Target group: young people aged 11 to 15
- Registrations and enquiries: please contact us by e-mail or phone +43/(0)316 90 370 200 or fax. +43 (0) 316 90 370 202
Philosophicum Children's Rights: "The child's right to respect"
Workshop content:
Starting with very basic questions such as: "What is law? What concept do we have of 'child'? What can the UN Convention change about the situation of children? What can we do?" suggestions and proposals are developed together in a Socratic dialogue. Basic information about the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child" will be provided and at the same time we will think together about how to implement it in everyday life. The workshop participants' own experiences serve as a basis for the philosophical dialogue.
Registration for seminars:
Registrations for seminars are made by means of a payment slip on which the seminar number and the seminar title must be entered. This also serves as confirmation of registration.
Payment slips are enclosed with our brochure. Otherwise, please request them directly from the Institute of Philosophy for Children. Admission is always based on the date of payment. In the event of overbooking, you will be informed of possible alternative dates.
Terms of payment:
The participation fee must be paid before the start of the event. Please transfer the fee on time using the payment slip.
If you are unable to attend, please inform us in writing or by telephone at least 14 days before the start of the seminar. If you cancel after this deadline, we will charge a cancellation fee of 30% of the participation fee.
If a substitute participant is nominated, the cancellation fee will be waived.
Seminar confirmation:
You will receive seminar confirmations after each seminar. On completion of the training you will receive a certificate for successful completion.
Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendphilosophie
+43 (0)316 90370 201
Karmeliterplatz 2/2. Stock
A- 8010 Graz
Mo - Do 08:00-16:00
Fr 08:00-12:00
Oder nach telefonischer Vereinbarung